Ece Büber

Office089/2180-77547 (Frau Steger)
Telephone089 / 2180-77562
E-mailEce.Bueber “at”
Project subgroup


After finishing my Master’s studies in Turkey, where I was working on surface designs for electrochemical biosensor applications, I decided to change my focus and an exciting period in my life started here by joining a different research atmosphere in the last period of 2018.

Currently, I am part of the single-molecule sensing team. My project is based on the development of DNA-origami-based biosensors to investigate different plasma membrane properties.

Besides DNA-origami, I also like paper-folding origami 🙃, jigsaw puzzles, cooking, knitting and painting.


DNA Origami Curvature Sensors for Nanoparticle and Vesicle Size Determination with Single-Molecule FRET Readout

Ece Büber; Tim Schröder; Michael Scheckenbach; Mihir Dass; Henri G Franquelim; Philip Tinnefeld

DNA Origami Curvature Sensors for Nanoparticle and Vesicle Size Determination with Single-Molecule FRET Readout Journal Article

In: ACS Nano, 2023, ISSN: 1936-086X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

DNA Origami Voltage Sensors for Transmembrane Potentials with Single-Molecule Sensitivity

Sarah E. Ochmann; Himanshu Joshi; Ece Büber; Henri G. Franquelim; Pierre Stegemann; Barbara Saccà; Ulrich F. Keyser; Aleksei Aksimentiev; Philip Tinnefeld

DNA Origami Voltage Sensors for Transmembrane Potentials with Single-Molecule Sensitivity Journal Article

In: Nano Letters, vol. 21, no. 20, pp. 8634–8641, 2021.

Links | BibTeX