Office | 089 / 2180-77547 (Mrs. Steger) |
Telephone | 089 / 2180-77549 |
Room | E1.035 |
philip.tinnefeld “at” cup.lmu.de |
10/21 – 09/23 | Dean of the faculty for chemistry and pharmacy, LMU Munich |
11/19 – 10/21 | Vice Dean of the faculty for chemistry and pharmacy, LMU Munich |
08/17 – today | Professor of Physical Chemistry (Chair), LMU Munich |
08/10 – 08/17 | Professor of Biophysical Chemistry, TU Braunschweig |
11/09 | Academy Prize for Chemistry of the “Academy of Sciences in Göttingen” |
06/07 – 08/10 | Professor of Biophysics, LMU Munich |
04/07 – 05/07 | Visiting Professor of Biophysics, LMU Munich |
10/03 – 03/07 | Single-Molecule Fluorescence Group in the lab of Markus Sauer, Applied Laser Physics & Laser Spectroscopy, University of Bielefeld |
05/06 | Habilitation in Physics |
02/02 – 09/03 | Postdoc in the groups of Shimon Weiss (UCLA), Markus Sauer (Heidelberg) and Frans C. DeSchryver (Leuven) |
12/01 | Schloessmann Award of the Max Planck Society |
01/99 – 01/02 | PhD in Physical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg, supervised by Prof. Dr. J. Wolfrum |